Sh2-308 (Dolphin-Head Nebula)
From 04/24/2022 to 05/03/2022 I spent some time at the Tivoli astrofarm in Namibia. During that stay I took several deep images of the southern sky with the equipment of the observatory „Drebach South“, one of them was the Dolphin-Head-Nebula in the constellation Canis Majoris. The Nebula was formed by the Wolf-Rayet Star EZ Canis Majoris.
The images were taken with the following equipment:
Location | Tivoli, Namibia |
Date | 04/25/2022 to 04/29/2022 |
Telescope | ASA 16″ Astrograph |
Focal length [mm] | 1440 |
Focal ratio | 3.6 |
Mount | ASA DDM 85 |
Camera | Moravian G4 16000 |
Filter | Hα:[OIII]:R:G:B |
Exposure time [min] | 300:80:40:40:40 |
Resolution | 1.29″/px |
Data calibration and registration and the final processing was done with PixInsight. The result was as follows:

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