GUM 16 (Vela Supernova remnant)
In May 2015 I spent some time at the Tivoli astrofarm in Namibia. During that stay I took several deep images of the southern sky with a mobile equipment, one of them was the Vela supernova remnant in the constellation Vela.
Data calibration and registration and the final processing was done with PixInsight. The result was as follows:

The images were taken with the following equipment:
- Date: 2015
- Location: Tivoli, Namibia
- Telescope: Canon 24-105mm lens
- Focal length [mm]: 50
- Focal ratio: 4
- Mount: Losmandy G11
- Camera: Moravian FW8300
- Filter: Hα:[OIII]:R:G:B
- Exposure time [min]: 80:80:30:30:30
- Resolution: 23.5″/px

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