ACO S 805 (Pavo II Cluster)
In May 2015 I spent some time at the Tivoli astrofarm in Namibia. During that stay I took several deep images of the southern sky with the equipment of the observatory „Stella“, one of them was the Pavo II galaxy cluster in the constellation Pavo.
Data calibration and registration and the final processing was done with PixInsight. The result was as follows:

In the image you can find very many galaxies and some quasars. The most distant of them is
WISEA J184532.70-630313.8 with a redshift of 1.6 and an apparent magv of 20.05 (SDSS DR17).
The faintest star in the image has an apparent magv of 22.2 (SDSS DR17).
The images were taken with the following equipment:
- Location: Tivoli, Namibia
- Telescope: ASA 12″ Astrograph
- Focal length [mm]: 1076
- Focal ratio: 3.6
- Mount: ASA DDM85
- Camera: FLI Microline ML8300
- Filter: L:R:G:B
- Exposure time [min]: 155:60:60:60
- Resolution: 1.04″/px

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