LBN 552 and LDN 1228
I have been subscribing to data from the Deep Sky West (DSW) Observatory for some time. DSW is located in New Mexico and offers several fully equipped systems. One of the data sets I received, was data from the molecular clouds LBN 552 and LDN 1228, located in the constellation Cepheus.
Data calibration and registration and the final processing was done with PixInsight. The result was as follows:LBN 552
The highest redshift quasars [Flesh 2015] in the image is:
CXO J20445+7720 z=0.82 magG=21.3 (SDSS DR9)
The images were taken with the following equipment:
- Date: 2018
- Location: Rowe, New Mexico
- Telescope: Astro Physics RH305
- Focal length [mm]: 1159
- Focal ratio: 3.8
- Mount: Paramount ME
- Camera: SBIG STX 16803
- Filter: L:R:G:B
- Exposure time [min]: 300:240:220:180
- Resolution: 1.66″/px

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