IC 2944 (Lambda Centauri Nebula)
This is an object I maged twice of the years, both times during a stay at the Tivoli astrofarm in Namibia.
IC 2944, also known as the Lambda Centauri Nebula, is an open cluster with an associated emission nebula found in the constellation Centaurus,
The last time I imaged this open cluster and nebula in 2008. Data calibration and registration was done with DeepSkystacker, the final processing was done with PixInsight. The result was as follows:

Besides the main objects, you can find the planetary nebula Henize 2-76 above the center.
The images were taken with the following equipment:
- Date 2006
- Location: Tivoli, Namibia
- Telescope: Pentax 75
- Focal length [mm]: 500
- Focal ratio: 6.7
- Mount: Vixen Atlux
- Camera: Canon 300 Da
- Filter: OSC
- Exposure time [min]: 64
- Resolution: 3.04″/px
The first time I imaged this open cluster and nebula in 2006. Data calibration and registration was done with DeepSkystacker, the final processing was done with PixInsight. The result was as follows:

The images were taken with the following equipment:
- Date 2006
- Location: Tivoli, Namibia
- Telescope: Rubinar lens
- Focal length [mm]: 500
- Focal ratio: 5.6
- Mount: Vixen Atlux
- Camera: Canon 300 Da
- Filter: OSC
- Exposure time [min]: 16
- Resolution: 6.4″/px

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