Abell 21 – Sh2-24 (Medusa Nebula)
In 2011 I took some images from the medusa nebula in my own backyard. I supplemented this data with Hα and [OIII] data from New Mexico. I used the LB0002 telescope from Lightbuckets in Rodeo for this.
The result shows the planetary nebula Abell 21 located in the constellation Gemini.
Data calibration and registration was done with DeepSkyStacker, the final processing was done with PixInsight.

The images were taken with the following equipment:
- Location: Krefeld, Germany – Rodeo, New Mexico
- Telescope: Orion 10″ Newton – ASA 8″ Astrograph
- Focal length [mm]: 1200 – 720
- Focal ratio: 4.8 – 3.6
- Mount: Skywatcher NEQ6, ASA DDM 85
- Camera: Canon 500 Da, Apogee Alta U8300
- Filter: OSC – Hα:[OIII]
- Exposure time [min]: 380 – 64:80
- Resolution: 2.15″/px

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